The Astronomical Society of Southern Africa Johannesburg Centre

Monthly Newsletter for April 1999

Notice of Meeting
Obituary Monty Northam
Variable of the Month  ........................................................................ Danie Overbeek

JPL and NASA News .......................................................................... Bill Wheaton
Mars in Focus ...................................................................................... Eben van Zyl
Southern Sky Star Hopping ................................................................
. Peter Baxter and
                                                                                                                     Eric Brindeau

How can one see matter mover faster than light? .............................. Chris Stewart
Grazing Occultations for fun and Profit ............................................... Brian Fraser

Telescope Making Class ..................................................................... Brian Fraser
Close Approach of Venus and Jupiter ................................................. Eben van Zyl
In the Sky this Month .......................................................................... Brian Fraser
Telescope(s) for Sale

The Sir Herbert Baker Library
18a Gill Street, Observatory, Johannesburg P.O. Box 93145, Yeoville, 2143